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Refund Policy

If you are dissatisfied with your product, you may request a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.

Any products purchased via Global Widget’s e-commerce sites may be returned within 30 days of purchasing for any reason. Contact Customer Service to request a refund and a return authorization code. 

Can I exchange product within the 30 day period? 

Yes, should you want to exchange your product for a product of equal or lesser value during the 30 day refund period, you are able to do so.

If you choose to exchange your product for a product of lesser value, we will not refund the difference.

I.e., if your product costs $99.99 and you exchange for a $49.99 product, we will not refund you back $50.

Please contact us for instructions on returning your purchase.

Will I be denied a refund in the 30 day period for any reason? 

During the 30 day refund period, there are no exceptions to the refund policy. Providing you have purchased product from our online store, we will issue you a full refund during this time.

Please note, if the same person requests numerous refunds or we suspect illegitimate refund requests, we will look deeper into the issue and may stop supplying product to that person.